So I was at the comic shop on thursday and finally picked up Frank Espinoza's book "Rocketo" and all I can say is Inspired and amazed.. I love that it's crazy different looking .. I've always been into more artsy feelling books.. Kabuki, the Maxx, books of that nature.. anyhow.. I started drawing yesterday at 1pm and here it is 4:45am Monday and I just finished and I am HELLA tired... So here are a few pieces that I liked enough to want to post.. Hope you enjoy!
http://www.frankespinosa.com/ <---Website to F.Espinozas Rocketo
Oh my god dude...I didn't see these before. I honestly am sitting here with my jaw hanging open. You son of a...
Whoa! these are bad-ass! I love them all!
These are beautiful, man! I haven't had a chance to pick up Rocketo yet, but from what I've seen, it's well worth it for the art alone...
Anx... Thanks Bro! Mucho Appreciado!
Kristen.. Thank ya love!
Leo.. Seriously go get the books ASAP they are great!!! and of course inspiring!
Who do I have to murder for that Yogi pic. This stuff looks great, man. Can't wait to see what you whip up for the Fat Albert submission.
Those are gorgeous. I love the harsh lighting effect. You are a man of many enjoyable styles. I can't wait to see what comes next.
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