So it's been quite a while since I have uploaded anything at all... here are a few things I have noodled up in the last few weeks.. Im still working murals and faux finishing and learning high end venitian plaster ( kinda cool ) but my heart just isn't in it anymore. I just wanna draw and get better at this stuff.. so
Im leaving for Ohio tomorrow and will be out all week, while there I have decided to study Harry Carmean and, Heinrick Kley to bring my life drawing up to snuff and reading Don Bluth's book on storyboarding so I can have a better understanding of that end of the buisness, I have a lot of ideas I want to work on and only a rough idea of how to bring them to fruition.
There are a lot of things I have been thinking about lately and I hope to focus on some of them and write about them here and open them to discussion. Hope everyone is doing well.. take care all...
Nice bunch of characters.
Nice stuff, Shane!
What you need is a project!
Good luck on your artistic pilgrimage.
- C
Thanks todd
and Corbett... yeah Im workin on all that... been really getting into boarding and illustration styled drawing again.. ( Rockwell, cornwell, leyendecker ) I need to stick to one thing.. LOL
Cool drawings! I dig the hunter! Gearing up for my bachelor party which is being held at our hunting camp, so that image really gets me stoked! Great selection of work!
These characters ROCK!
Great characters!
thanks everyone!
Haha, excellent characters!!!! Great design!! Greets
Love that horse!
Really funny characters!:o)
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Gorgeous!! Funny character. But I like your drawing.
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Thanks for this nice posting.........
These characters ROCK!
It has been really useful to me indeed. Enjoy it.
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