So it's been quite a while since I have uploaded anything at all... here are a few things I have noodled up in the last few weeks.. Im still working murals and faux finishing and learning high end venitian plaster ( kinda cool ) but my heart just isn't in it anymore. I just wanna draw and get better at this stuff.. so
Im leaving for Ohio tomorrow and will be out all week, while there I have decided to study Harry Carmean and, Heinrick Kley to bring my life drawing up to snuff and reading Don Bluth's book on storyboarding so I can have a better understanding of that end of the buisness, I have a lot of ideas I want to work on and only a rough idea of how to bring them to fruition.
There are a lot of things I have been thinking about lately and I hope to focus on some of them and write about them here and open them to discussion. Hope everyone is doing well.. take care all...