Monday, August 29, 2005

Got to go home early today.. on a technicality BOOYAH!

So I went in to see if our freelance stuff was ready today... I didnt get a call til almost noon so when I got there it was close to 1ish... Then got nothin and was told to bounce til they can figure out how much time to give us for freelance.... Thats ok in my book .. at least today... I really started to feel the pull to make stuff this weekend and Im hoping its a rebirth in inspiration... I was reading the new Juxtapose today and saw all these names of guys I have met and guys I have followed in the Art Community for the past 10-15 years.. I have said in the past that I really dont want to be HUGE.. but it wouldnt hurt to be known.. So I think it's high time I get off my ass and really start to get prolific about creating more art than ever before.. I have stacks and stacks of paper full of sketches .. doodles.. Ideas . thoughts and crap all over my room . all over my studio... Its like the little pig who lived in a house of paper... Time to turn those pages into something ... It's time to make something amazing happen for me... for once I feel like.. IT'S TIME!


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